Call us today
Christine Mumbire
Phone : +263 77 830 6628
Cell No : +263 77 216 9721
Rob Bikoko
Cell No : +263 77 212 5187
Opening Hours
Everyday: 06:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Christine Mumbire
Christine Mumbire I am a very strong and courageous individual who strives for excellence in anything that i do. I set tough objectives and will always achieve them. I believe in the law of attraction and have faith to achieve any milestone. I am passionate about marketing and event coordination, and I boast a number of years doing this.

Rob Bikoko
A visionary and goal-oriented ICT executive with demonstrated experience in planning, developing, and implementing cutting edge information technology solutions to address business opportunities and objectives. Develops strategic plans for competent implementation and operation of client services, product support, quality assurance, and training. Adept at crisis management, troubleshooting, problem-solving, and negotiating.